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Percorso di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Bambini

The “Percorso di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Bambini” focuses on bringing children closer to the Italian language and culture through narration, reading, and writing. We will present stories, activities, games, and songs aimed at developing each child’s language competency and confidence. For the older children, topics will also include history, geography, and the sciences, with points of reflection on Italian culture and traditions. 

Il “Percorso di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Bambini” ha l'obiettivo di avvicinare i bambini alla lingua e cultura italiana attraverso la narrazione, lettura e scrittura. Presenteremo storie, attività, giochi, canzoni ed esercizi che mirano a sviluppare le competenze e abilità linguistiche del bambino. Per i più grandi gli argomenti riguarderanno anche Storia, Geografia e Scienze con spunti di riflessione su aspetti relativi a tradizioni della nostra cultura.

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Our school director is Dr. Valentina Cecchi, the Honorary Consul of Italy and CCI-NC President. The Italian Weekend School for Children is taught by certified, professional Italian teachers.

In-Person Courses:


Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 in-person classes will be held on Sundays from 3-5pm

The signups for the Italian Weekend School for Children are open! To register, click the green "Register for IN-PERSON Classes Here" button below. Note the discount if you register for the whole year. 

In-Person Class

See below for the details on both semesters:


Dates:     September 10, 2023 - December 17, 2023 

Tuition:   $300


Dates:      January 21, 2024 - May 19, 2024

Tuition:    $300

Please, click here to see the full calendar.

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Discounted rate of $570 if both Fall and Spring registration are completed at the same time.

Additional Information

Location: Salice America, Inc., 2123 Crown Centre Drive, Charlotte, NC 28227

(Special Thank You to Corporate Rosso Sponsor Salice America for providing the space, free of charge.)


Class Groups:

  • Gli Scoiattoli (3 to 6 years old)

  • I Ricci (7 to 8 years old)

  • I Panda (9 to 12 years old)

**The number of class groups and the ages of the children within them may change depending on the number of students and their level of Italian proficiency. It is likely that within the individual groups there will be subgroups (advanced and beginner).**

Additional Links:

Questions? Please email

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Donate Now


You can help CCI-NC to continue to provide programs such as the Percorso di Lingua e Cultura Italiana per Bambini, with collaborations like Coccole Sonore, by donating.

For corporate donations using PayPal, please be sure to log in to PayPal using your company's login credentials, and/or include the company name in the required fields. This will ensure that your corporation is recognized and billed properly. Otherwise, please send an email to to inform us the donation is for your corporation, instead of you personally at the time of your donation.


Casa della Cultura Italiana - North Carolina

1704 East Blvd., Suite 101  |  Charlotte, NC 28203  |  704-243-8133  |

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